In the Media

Rogovy puts crypto in a category alongside things like commodities and art that are “worth only what the next buyer is willing to pay for them.”
November 15, 2023
“From May 2003 to May 2023, Monster Beverage Corp (MNST) returned an astonishing 144,000%,” says Asher Rogovy
November 2, 2023
“TIPS include a compensation mechanism based on the CPI, which is a common measure of inflation,” points out Asher Rogovy, chief investment advisor at Magnifina.
September 19, 2023
According to Rogovy, stocks return a stable average of about 6.5% per year after accounting for inflation. Investors can receive even greater returns with a well-selected portfolio of stocks.
August 21, 2023
“Sometimes there’s an X factor, but strong businesses begin with a strong management team,” said Asher Rogovy, chief investment officer at Magnifina, LLC.
“If you have perfect foresight about interest rates, then it makes sense to buy high-credit, fixed-rate bonds. Generally, these are U.S. Treasurys,” Rogovy says.
“Both companies exhibit numerous qualitative measures of investment quality.”
“Gold is the ultimate safe haven. In times of extreme political uncertainty and international conflict, gold can protect against a wide range of rare and severe risks,” said Asher Rogovy
Asher Rogovy, chief investment officer at Magnifina LLC, writes that: “In a bear market, passive portfolios suffer the full brunt of any losses. By contrast, active investors may choose to hold safer assets during market volatility.”
“Early in my career, I spent far too much time looking for a single metric to evaluate stocks,” said Asher Rogovy, chief investment officer at Magnifina.
“AB InBev, which resulted from the merger between Anheuser-Busch and InBev, distributes over 500 beer brands worldwide.”
“It’s hard to predict the exact fallout,” said Asher Rogovy, chief investment officer at Magnifina, a New York-based investment advisor.
Learning how to research stocks and invest for quality is a skill that most people can learn, but it is very time consuming, according to Asher Rogovy, chief investment officer with Magnifina, LLC
Asher Rogovy, chief investment officer at Magnifina, said many people ask whether they should open a Roth or Traditional IRA.
Generation X’s affinity for the alternative may have led some astray concerning financial decisions, according to Asher Rogovy
“If a company has a good chance at profitability, they could use a number of private channels for financing without needing to issue penny shares,” Rogovy says.
April 10, 2023
Asher Rogovy, chief investment officer for Magnifina, suggests Clearway because of “several measures indicative of a high-quality investment.”
March 22, 2023
“Humans rely on inductive cause-and-effect thinking to provide suitable recommendations for complex scenarios.”
March 12, 2023
“For any exchange, it’s best to have the most professional traders to be present at the same time,” said Rogovy.
“This is not the first time novice investors chose bubble assets instead of proven investment strategies,” says Rogovy.
February 13, 2023