Publication: Business Insider

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Buying real estate with an IRA is possible

Asher Rogovy, chief investment officer of Magnifina LLC, suggests that a multi-unit property may be more suitable as an investment than a small one. “More rental income helps amortize custodial fees,” Rogovy says.

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What to know about derivatives

“Derivatives aren’t for beginner or casual investors. Because they are essentially bets, Wall Street does a very good job of making sure they are accurately priced,” notes Rogovy.

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What is inflation?

More generally, Asher Rogovy, chief investment officer at Magnifina, suggests that it’s best to avoid nominal assets in favor of real assets when inflation’s on the upswing.

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What is a small-cap stock?

“Small-cap stocks can have significant growth potential and often remain undervalued by the market,” says Asher Rogovy, chief investment officer at Magnifina, a portfolio management firm.

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What is market cap?

“Everyone is working to measure a company’s true market value,” Asher Rogovy, Chief Investment Officer at Magnifina, says. “Whoever understands the true value can profit by trading mispriced stocks.”

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